
In the near future, as AI replaces human workers, corporations enforce The Standard—a neurological procedure that makes everyone look and sound the same, ensuring absolute equality to justify keeping humans employed. To keep her job, single mother Rita Gomez undergoes the procedure—sacrificing her identity for survival.

Director’s Goal with HUMANO

This story is not anti artificial intelligence (AI). I fully embrace the technology, in fact, I used it to build parts of this website! Ultimately, I want to foster a conversation about the unintended consequences of well-intentioned technological solutions. It invites us to consider how we can embrace progress without losing the rich tapestry of human diversity that defines us.

The technology is here, and those who understand it will have the power to use it to its fullest potential and make decisions that affect society in a profound way.

HUMANO explores this through the lens of a near-future Caribbean society, where the promise of equality comes at the cost of human identity.

Support Us!

HUMANO is being produced as part of the 2025-26 AFI DWW+ program.

AFI DWW+ educates traditionally underrepresented filmmakers through the production cycle of a short film, providing hands-on instruction led by industry experts. Since the program’s inception in 1974, DWW+ has trained over 350 filmmakers who give voice to historically underrepresented perspectives. DWW+ is proud of its legacy as one of the first gender impact programs in the cinematic arts, as well as one of the longest-running and preeminent film and television workshops nationwide.

AFI is a nonprofit institution and our fiscal sponsor. This means that all donations to our project (monetary or in-kind) may be tax deductible.

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